Na sua longa discografia consigo encontrar sempre a música certa para qualquer momento.
Hoje, dado o tardio da hora a minha imaginação já escasseia. Mas como acabei de chegar de uma extenuante viagem de comboio e me preparo para passar a minha primeira noite longe do meu filho tinha de arranjar qualquer coisa para me animar.
Assim, e apesar de tudo, regressar a casa ainda é uma coisa boa e reconfortante e embora possa não parecer ter nada a ver, esta música transmite-me essa sensação boa de regressar ao local a que pertenço. Além disso foi uma das músicas que marcou o início do meu namoro, há 11 anos, com aquele que é hoje o pai do meu filho. E uma noite sem ele também é desagradável.
Vamos então a animar com:
Fairground - Mick Hucknall
Driving down an endless road
Taking friends or moving alone
Pleasure at the fairground on the way
It's always friends that feel so good
Let's make amends like all good men should
Pleasure at the fairground on the way
Walk around, be free and roam
There's always someone leaving alone
Pleasure at the fairground on the way
And I love the thought of coming home to you
Even if I know we can't make it
I love the thought of giving hope to you
Just a little ray of light shining through
Love can bend and breathe alone
Until the end it finds you a home
Don't care what the people may say
It's always friends that feel so good
Let's make amends like all good men should
Pleasure at the fairground on the way
And I love the thought of coming home to you
Even if I know we can't make it
I love the thought of giving hope to you
Just a little ray of light shining through
Driving down an endless road
Taking friends or moving alone
Pleasure at the fairground on the way
It's always friends that feel so good
Let's make amends like all good men should
Pleasure at the fairground on the way
Walk around, be free and roam
There's always someone leaving alone
Pleasure at the fairground on the way
And I love the thought of coming home to you
Even if I know we can't make it
I love the thought of giving hope to you
Just a little ray of light shining through
Love can bend and breathe alone
Until the end it finds you a home
Don't care what the people may say
It's always friends that feel so good
Let's make amends like all good men should
Pleasure at the fairground on the way
And I love the thought of coming home to you
Even if I know we can't make it
I love the thought of giving hope to you
Just a little ray of light shining through
Para escutarem esta e outras músicas dos Simply Red procurem no seu site oficial, um dos melhores e mais completo em termos de música que conheço:
Entrem na onda
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